For about two and a half years.
What made you start to really get into skating?
I was a big impact? (laughs)
Yeah, If it wasn't for you I'd quit skating, dude. you inspire me because I met you in middle school and like, you were just this kid that was so much better than me. I just wanted to hang out with you and get to know more about the whole skateboarding world...Dang a lot of girls be texting me (laughs).
Do you have a main girl? and do you think that girls effect your skating in a good or bad way?
Umm, From what I've been through girls have for sure have a bad impact on your skating. Only because that's all that you are thinking about at the time and it doesn't let you foucs. I don't have a main girl at the moment, I'm kinda looking for one (laughs) but I'd never let that come before my skating.Unless you like break your board or something.
Was there a moment when you knew that you were in skating for the long run?
Yeah dude, that happens a lot actually. Just yesterday I hit everyone up to go skate and I couldn't get a hold of anyone. So i just when to Acoma and skated some flat. I really vibed of that and had a ton of fun even though i was by myself. I don't get how kids can just stay in there house all day, I would go crazy!
I feel you on that, Does skating by yourself remind you of when you first started skating, Just learning tricks in your front yard and stuff like that?
Not really, it just reminds me that i need to keeping pushing harder to learn new tricks.
So you've been out on the streets a couple of time, what's the story with that?
Would you say that skating with Jerskates has changed you as a person?
Definitely, It's made me realize that life isn't just about girls, plus it's helped me get to interact with people. If I wasn't skating with you guys I'd probably Being partying a ton, or worst being on some hardcore Sh*t. I'd probably just be a huge homeless f*ck up.or maybe died, I mean I do have a deathwish.
So why do people call you Deathwish?
I have that name because of my look, I looked kind of dirty you could say, with the long hair and all. My favor skate company is Deathwish and my friend Huy Phan made a joke on how I look like i ride for deathwish. Plus I'd always Wear this sketchy deathwish shirt i made. Wait, I'm wearing it right now (laughs)
Damn dude, With the old crew it was way more hyped. They always kept you pumped probably just because we were all learning how to skate sets and stuff and we were just so stoked on everything. Like Zak, I miss skating street with him, That F*cker always knew what to say to cheer me up and really go hard for the trick.The crew still keeps you pumped but it's on a different vibe you could say. It's more serious i guess, but it's still fun for sure! Because we get to go to new places and explore places we couldn't during middle school. The crew now will give up hours just for you to get one trick, There is a lot of love now that goes deeper. We don't just skate together, We hang, eat, and sometimes sleep when a homie needs a place to stay.
So I hear that you are getting a place for yourself? stoked on that?
OH YEAH DUDE! My dad's becoming a trucker and I'm taking care of the house since I'm 18 now. I gotta find a Job now though, I guess that just comes with being older. I think once i get a job again when i do get to skate it will be a lot more meaningful. If anyone needs a place to chill or crash just hit me up!